
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Help the Sanchez-Ronquillo Family This Week

UPDATE May 16, 2017: Deportation delayed--for now.

Many of you may already know the story of Jose Sanchez-Ronquillo. 

The CHS Communicator gives some of the background, and a sense of the family, here.

As Lauren Slagter of M-Live noted on May 1, "The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, in Detroit, granted a temporary stay on Sanchez-Ronquillo's pending deportation on Monday, May 1, said Sanchez-Ronquillo's attorney Monica Smith."

Well, that was then. But now there is an emergency motion to deport Jose Luis before the Board of Immigration Appeals has a chance to hear motions about reopening the case.

I got an urgent email this weekend from a Bach/Slauson parent: 

"You may already be aware that one of our beloved Bach/Slauson/Pioneer community members, Jose Luis Sanchez-Ronquillo, is in danger of being deported.  We've just received some upsetting news regarding his case.  The government has made an emergency motion to deport Jose Luis next Wednesday, 5/17, before the Board of Immigration Appeals has a chance to hear motions about reopening the case.  The government's motion will be heard in Detroit next Tuesday, 5/16 at noon

We have organized a rally to support Jose and his family on TUES, 5/16 @ 11am in Detroit.  I am wondering if there is any way the PTOC can help spread the word about this event?  A similar rally was held outside the courthouse during Yousef Ajin's hearing - many Community High School students attended this rally and they were successful in stopping his deportation.


1.  SHARE the FB event widely on social media:  And spread the word to all your contacts.  

2.  ATTEND the Rally next Tuesday, 5/16 @ 11am - Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse, 231 W Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, MI, 48226.

The rally will be held Tuesday, May 16th, 11 a.m. at the Levin Courthouse in Detroit.

3.  WRITE letters of support, which will be given to the judge at the hearing (see sample letter below for ideas).  Email letters to, or to by Monday night (5/15).  Letters should be addressed to: 

The Honorable David Lawson
231 W Lafayette Blvd # 628
Detroit, MI 48226

Thank you so much for helping this important family in our community!"

One more thing: If you are interested in immigration issues, the Washtenaw County Commissioners are considering a pro-immigrant resolution this Wednesday, May 17th at their Board of Commissioners meeting. Here is more information:

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