
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Today This Blog Is Five Years Old

Five years ago today I started this blog. Read why here.

Five years, two children who have graduated from the Ann Arbor schools, one more with just 2-1/2 years left, educational policy in this state that goes from bad to worse.

I'm not sure what comes next with this blog. I do know that I have a lot of other things competing for my attention, and a lot of other interests that have gone untended.

I also know that there is a huge need for attention to be paid to the schools--much more than I anticipated when I started.

In the meantime, I expect the next year to be one of discernment regarding what I should do with this blog. It might continue, more or less as, or perhaps with a focus on higher level thoughts about education. I might be looking for someone else to take it over. Is that you? Or it might just remain, as a piece of history.

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1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary, Ruth!

    Thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping us informed, and for welcoming input from other stakeholders.

    It has been a rough five years for public education, hasn't it? I do hope that you and others will be able to maintain some sort of presence in the years to come, because it is so important that the public know more than what the state and local spokespersons want us to know.

    - YpsiAnon
