
Sunday, September 8, 2013

New K-12 Education Reporter

I started a post on school security (coming soon to a blog near you!) about a week ago, with these words:

"First of all, welcome to new K-12 education reporter Amy Biolchini. Amy is not a new reporter, but she is new to the K-12 education beat."

Already you probably see the problem.

I started writing this a couple of weeks ago--when we were still expecting there to be an And now there will only be I think Amy will continue to be the K-12 education reporter for Washtenaw County. 

I see Advance Publication's move as a cost-cutting measure that will mean less news in Ann Arbor--and already, there was a lot less than there was ten years ago! In short, I'm bummed. Sigh. I am, actually, happy to see the name gone--I always thought it was a dumb name and then when people would try and write it as Ann, with the space between Ann and Arbor but still with .com--well--even dumber. But whatever mlive wants to call their local print product, to me it will not be the Ann Arbor News. 

As for the reporting, the truth would be to call it uneven. Some of it has been excellent, some of it terrible. The copy editing has been awful. The main problem of the writers, in my opinion, is that there are too few of them and also too few editors. I don't expect that problem to be solved by going to mlive.

And now--whoopee--we get to be experimented on once again.

If you are interested, Mark Maynard has some more comprehensive thoughtsSo does Ben Connor Barrie at Damn Arbor.  

Please, would somebody with lots of money like to buy the Ann Arbor News from Advance, the way the Boston Globe and Washington Post have been sold?

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