
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Primary: Whitmore Lake Votes

It's Tuesday, and it's primary day. 

I always believe that you should vote if there is a reason to be out there.

In the Whitmore Lake Public School district, there is a $12.3 million bond proposal on the ballot.

This is a facilities and technology bond, and will support facilities, transportation, athletic fields, and technology. If you live in the district, I encourage you to vote yes. Given the fact that per-pupil funding for districts is where it was over ten years ago, and that districts cannot vote to increase their per-pupil funding, using bonds to support the things that *can* be covered is, in my view, essential.

Here is part of what the Whitmore Lake Board of Education has to say:
The Board of Education conducted a
comprehensive facilities analysis over the course of several years to examine the
condition of our facilities and equipment and forecasted emerging trends in
facility and technology use. That research and analysis led to several conclusions,
While our facilities are of varying ages, all are in need of upgrades 
Our security systems are not where they need to be given recent events at
other schools in the country
New testing requirements of the State, such as mandatory on-line testing,
will require additional capital investment, and at the same time the State
has reduced funding to schools
Our district needs to continue to provide a high-quality educational
environment and learning tools for students – including upgrades to
ALL of these bond dollars are kept locally and for the benefit of WLPS

Read more here.

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