
Friday, June 14, 2013

Graduation: Goodbye Ann Arbor Open!

Ann Arbor Open graduation was tonight. We've put 16 years into this school, and we're going to miss it.

In the great Ann Arbor Open auditorium

there was a fake balcony

and purple and white balloons

and a mobile of. . . the world.

And there were many family members sitting on chairs

Goodbye music instruments

Goodbye music room

Goodbye mural

Goodbye stairs
Goodbye chairs

Goodbye to all the friends (kids and parents) I've made there.

Goodbye teachers everywhere! (at Ann Arbor Open)

Goodbye to the Ks (Kit, Kathy, and Karen) 
in the A2O office too

Goodbye to me, and Goodbye to you.

Goodbye cafeteria

Goodbye whale jumping over bookshelves


And good luck graduates!


  1. I didn't attend the ceremony, but C & Z both did. Caleb was quite impressed by Joel's poem. He said it reminded him of Billy Collins (which was definitely a compliment).

  2. Thanks Tricia! Joel has given me permission to post the poem but I'm hoping one of my friends who taped it will send me the tape so I can put the reading up! I give a lot of credit to Scott Beal for his poet-in-residence program that he did with the 5th/6th grade a couple of years ago. [Read more about Scott here:]

  3. Zane did poet-in-residence with Scott as well (2 years ago, when Scott was with Mike's class).
