
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Key Forum in Ann Arbor March 11th 6-8 p.m.

Michigan State Board of Education
and Washtenaw Alliance for Education
present a community forum...

The Future of 
Public Education in Michigan
Monday, March 11, 2013
6-8 pm
Pioneer High School - Little Theater
601 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor

Please join a panel of four experts in an 
open discussion of educational issues, 
policies, and proposed reforms:

John Austin
President, State Board of Education 

Eileen Weiser 
Member, State Board of Education

David Arsen
Professor of Educational Administration, MSU

Peter Ruddell
Attorney, Weiner Associates 
Michigan Education Finance Team

RSVPs are not necessary, but would be appreciated 
for planning purposes:

Amy Osinski - 734-994-2232

By the way. . . I don't think I will be able to make it to this. . . if you are interested in going and writing a blog post about this (it is fine to have it be informed by your personal perspective), please let me know via email: rlk234 [at]

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