
Monday, February 25, 2013

Ypsi/Willow Run School Board Thinks They Thread the Needle, But They Don't

I went to the Ypsilanti Community Schools Board Meeting tonight where they were deciding about the new Superintendent. I've mostly just pasted in my tweets here, along with some additional commentary. 

First of all, when I got there, there were about fifty people out front. Only one of them had a sign, but it expressed the opinions of the others: 

Georgina Hickey's sign

Eventually, we filed into the auditorium. The meeting started a few minutes late.

The Board's First Turn

They added board comments before public comments. A little odd but apparently meant to be soothing. 

The board comments were mostly about how they really had listened to what people had said. How they needed involvement. 

It is a very big auditorium (quite nice too) and about half full.

Also, About 3/4 of the audience was white, 1/4 black; about 3/4 of the audience was women, 1/4 men.

Why does every bd member feel the need to comment "we hear you, we value you." The proof will be in the pudding. 

Public Commentary

30 minutes for public comment; 13 people signed up. 

1 comment:

  1. Ruth - It was nice to see you see you there last night. I was the second to last speaker, poking the board about being considered a nuisance.

    In case you don't remember me, I was the admin to Michael and Carole at Avalon until a couple of years ago. :)

    Aimee McVay Conat
