
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reprise: MLK Day

What do you do with your kids on MLK Day? (Last year's post, but it is still relevant.)

As I said, I have wanted the Michigan Theater to have some MLK movies, and this year...they do!

This one is not appropriate for kids, at least not below high school age--it's about the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. 
UM Institute of Social Research presents DEADLY DECEPTION on Monday, January 17 at 1 PM at the Michigan Theater. Admission is FREE!
This one is appropriate for kids, I believe. In fact I hope to take mine!
BILAL'S STAND, a special MLK Jr. screening directed by Michigan's own Sultan Sharrief, is playing Monday, January 17 at 5 PM at the Michigan Theater. Tickets are $6!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just a brief comment about Bilal's Stand. I thought it was very thought-provoking, painful and funny at the same time. It raises lots of issues about education, religion, race, and segregation. My high school daughter and her friend found it interesting and meaningful.
    The three sixth graders that I brought? For them, it was "terrible," "boring," and "the worst movie I've seen besides the movie my parents brought me to yesterday, The King's Speech."
    So, maybe I misrepresented it? I guess it is best for high school and above.
