
Friday, June 4, 2010

Meeting Agenda Posted

And here it is: tonight's meeting agenda. Transportation consolidation is a first briefing. Note at bottom, "Meeting will not be videotaped."


  1. From Liz Margolis,
    "The meeting agenda was mistakenly not posted with the notice. It is the districts practice to post the agendas with the meeting notice. It was a simple error. It is being posted as I type this response. There was no intent to convey secrecy or some hidden agenda.Which is what many people jump to conclude."

    I am happy to hear that it is district practice to post the agendas with the meeting notice.

  2. If it says, "This meeting will not be videotaped," does that mean "This meeting MAY not be videotaped"?

    In other words, if the district or community access channel doesn't do it, does that mean that a member of the public may/may not do it?


    - YpsiAnon

  3. Usually the meetings are on Community Access. I think because it is in a special location, it is not going to be videotaped and put on Community Access. I imagine that someone could videotape it.

  4. Ruth, what is your agenda?
    I am unhappy with the idea that the custodians and transportation are set up to take such severe cuts, but maybe I am more upset that I don't see teachers talking about taking deep cuts to help them and the school system out. Todd Roberts took and 8% cut, that's not chump change.

  5. My agenda? Everyone takes the same % cuts. Or something close. Or the people who make the most (i.e Todd Roberts) take a higher % cut than people who make the least.
    The other part of my agenda? Lobbying the state so they properly fund education.
    In any case, the second part of last night's agenda was an executive session,and I assume that the discussions were around negotiations with the other unions: teachers, principals, administrative staff (secretaries, aides), and possibly transportation as well. None of those have been settled at this point.
