
Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, I had to turn moderation on for older comments. Yes, everyone has been very respectful, except for the spamming sexbots. (At least that's what I call them. It was annoying to have to delete bunches of spam.)

I'm contemplating a change of name, to Ann Arbor School Musings (as opposed to Schools Musings). Everyone always gets it wrong. I think you can argue that both ways are correct--originally I was thinking I was describing musings about Ann Arbor schools. Now I'm thinking that I'm musing about schools, and I'm located in Ann Arbor, so dropping the "s" may more accurately describe the blog's evolution. So I changed the title up top (but nothing in the web address has changed) and I'm trying to decide. Opinions are welcome. Right now the title looks bare, with one fewer "s," but I'm not necessarily a huge fan of change.

I've also decided it was time for a new picture. This one brings to mind the Peter, Paul and Mary song, Where have all the old schools gone" Oh wait, that's Where have all the flowers gone? No, that can't be right--the flowers are coming back. I saw in the Ann Arbor Chronicle that snow drops have been spotted. So--you will find a beautiful picture of a snowdrop below, which can be found in the original at Spring is almost here.

The picture above, by the way, is of the Geer School in Superior Township, and was taken off of the county web site, where there is information on local historic districts, including the Popkin School. Here is what the page has to say about the Geer School:
From 1880 to 1982, this one-room, red brick school represented an important era in Michigan education and was a center for community life. Named for William Geer, the first school director, and built by Joseph Warner of Ypsilanti, the school featured side-by-side entrances for boys and girls, a slate blackboard, a woodshed, and two outdoor privies. Water was carried in a bucket from across the road.


  1. Are we voting? I say stick with the "s." Your subheading says everything else you need.

    - YpsiAnon

  2. Sure, vote away! I want to know what you think.
