
Thursday, October 22, 2009

High Stakes Poker Time

School bus inspections will end 11/1/09.

More per pupil spending cuts: $165 + $127= $292

PLUS for the "hold harmless" districts another $300-$500 per pupil.

Update: The Saline Schools Budget Blog has a good explanation although it is ALREADY out of date!


  1. It's getting hard to keep up! I wanted to link to Jennifer Granholm's press conference. I accidentally linked to an irrelevant news video, so I removed that. But I can't find a link to the press conference, even though while I was at the gym tonight they were streaming it. So, if you find it, please post the link.

  2. That's a clue that busing will be dropped from the budget...

  3. Anon--That is definitely a possibility.
